
Best apple podcasts 2017 health and fitness
Best apple podcasts 2017 health and fitness

best apple podcasts 2017 health and fitness best apple podcasts 2017 health and fitness

Nick Collias and Heather Eastman, who are the hosts of this show, invite guests from all different facets of fitness world including professional bodybuilders, powerlifters, veterans, athletes, and even YouTube sensations. Over the years, has established itself as one of the most renowned and credible fitness brands of all time. You can find all of his podcasts on Apple Podcasts. And if you’re a big Steve Cook fan, then you should definitely check out his recent podcast with him where they discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of today’s fitness industry. Instead of just preaching, he shares experiences from his own life that will help you reach your own personal fitness goals anywhere and anytime. Through his podcasts, he uses his expert knowledge in sports and nutrition to debunk the common myths of the fitness and nutrition industry. Lucia to Martinique and his recent world record attempt of swimming around the whole of Great Britain! Ross Edgley is the best selling author of the World’s Fittest Book and is also known for his epic feats of endurance such as a marathon pulling car, a 100 km swim from St. Fortunately, for you, we have made a list of a few such internet figures who are trying to make our world a better place through their fitness and health podcasts. You can listen to several of these best health and fitness podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or even YouTube for free. Such sources spread a positive message instead of thrusting products down our throats. But instead of doing that, we should look up to better influences. Walk down the aisle of any grocery store and you’ll be greeted with shiny magazine covers that say “get a 6 pack now this summer,” “lose weight with slim tea” and the most common one, “the secret to getting bigger arms.” Clearly, mainstream media is teaching us to place the needs of other people, mostly the opposite sex, as our own and to judge our own bodies through a hypercritical lens.

Best apple podcasts 2017 health and fitness